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do you need

blogs & content

To share your expertise in your industry through a more casual way?

Content creation would sit up there with social media management when it comes to things business owners would rather not do but know that they need to. The hardest part with blog writing and content creation is that you have the knowledge and products on hand, and are in the ideal position to share it.

This is where we would come in. We can help you liaise with local photographers to get images taken or sit with you as you verbally share your knowledge for blog articles. Or if a 1pm meeting isn’t your thing, feel free to send through voice notes where we can turn your late-night/early-morning ramblings into a well-crafted, thought-out blog post for your website.

Blogs are multi-purpose pieces of content that once written, can be reshared as a LinkedIn Article, an email to the masses, social media posts (that’s right - PLURAL!), content for videos, and so much more. By creating multiple blogs, you can establish your authority in your industry and be a source of knowledge for those taking a deep dive into learning more.

What do I need it for?

When it comes to content creation, it can be difficult to know what content you need and why you would even need it. That’s why we can look at the bigger picture; help you come up with a brief, and find a photographer or brand designer that suits your needs.

You didn't start your business to create content, but we did.


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